The Rule of 72

One of the most useful ‘math tricks’ in my financial planner’s tool belt is the Rule of 72.  This Rule helps you figure out what  it will take to double your money. The trick works backwards and forwards, i.e. if you know the potential rate of return,...

The Good Steward

For the first time in more than twenty-five years, I was surprised by the answer I received to the question I ask all new clients. When asked about her ‘big picture’ goal, this woman answered, “I want to be a good steward of what I have.” That got me thinking. Most...

Make Sure Your Loved Ones Have One

It’s a simple question to ask: Have you signed a Health Care Power of Attorney document yet?  Everyone “of sound mind” over the age of 18 should have one.  For Wisconsin residents, you can download a form from the Wisconsin DHS web site free of...

In Search of Financial Security

Financial security used to be simple. You worked hard at the same job for a lifetime and then retired and lived on your pension and social security. It was normal to avoid credit cards and to have your home mortgage paid off by the time you retired. Now,...

Whose Advice Can You Trust?

Let’s get right to the crux of it:  whose advice can you trust?  There is no way to know (without a long-term relationship) whether someone is thinking about your best interests or his/her own pocketbook.  Ultimately, the goal is to find professionals that you can...